-John 5:24

Whoever hears My word and believes Him who sent me …

Has crossed over from death to life.

Welcome to Bethesda Springs House of Mercy and Grace

We are passionate about making disciples of Jesus in an environment that empowers each person to be a true participant and contributor to the church. We believe in the home-church model and the relational connections and spiritual growth that can take place in a loving, inclusive, and empowering environment. If you are ready to be a part of a church that truly is a family, then we invite you to get to know us better by checking out the links below and then reaching out to get plugged in.

Who We Are

Bethesda Springs House of Mercy and Grace was founded by Jeff and Maria Kear. Learn more about them here.

Beliefs + Vision

We believe that the home church is a powerful place for Believers to gather in the name of Jesus and create disciples in an environment of love and hospitality. Read our Vision and Statement of Faith here.


All giving is a matter of obedience and faith, trusting God as our provider and giving Him glory and thanks for what we have received. Click here learn more about giving a tithe or offering.

Connect With Us

If you’d like to stay up to date with the latest happenings, events, and schedules at Bethesda Springs House of Mercy and Grace, please enter your name and email address right here. (Your information is kept safe and never shared with anyone outside of BSHMG.)
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Find a BSHMG Home Church

Are you interested in being a part of a Bethesda Springs House of Mercy and Grace Church? Click here to contact us and we’ll help you find the locations closest to you.

Interested in starting your own home church?

It is our heart to help plant home churches. If it is in your heart to start one, contact us to explore whether Bethesda Springs House of Mercy and Grace could be the right support structure for you.