Giving is an important part of being a follower of Christ. It is an act of obedience, worship, and faith, and it is a demonstration of a surrendered heart. 

The earth and all its resources belong to the Lord, but He graciously allows us to use all things.  Considering God’s generosity, we are blessed to give back to Him through tithes and offerings.  The Old Testament introduces the topic of giving as an established and ongoing practice.  Through the Apostle Paul, the New Testament church confirmed that the ministry and work of the church is to be financially supported by the individual members of the body. 

Tithing and offerings are two ways of giving. The tithe, as established by God, is giving a specific percentage of one’s income to the house of God. Offerings are amounts that are given beyond the tithe and are determined by an individual or family’s evaluation of what they feel able or called to share.

At Bethesda Springs House of Mercy and Grace, we do not enforce or police tithes and offerings. Instead, we teach and create space for people to be faithful in giving and honoring God with the first fruits of all increase.

Simply put, all giving is a matter of obedience and faith.  Our goal is to trust God as our provider and for Him to receive glory and thanksgiving as a result of our gifts.  

Malachi 3:10; 2 Corinthians 9:7

– For online giving to Bethesda Springs House of Mercy and Grace; click the button below.

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